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Hi from Anna

by on June 25, 2013

It’s our first day in Istanbul, and has been very exciting. We got off the plane and got a taxi to our apartment. There has been at least seven cats so far, and two of them were friendly enough to sit next to us at the dinner table. We walked to the grocery store, but got lost on the way, and ended up making a large triangle. One of the good and bad parts of the room was that you can see the church from there, but then we can hear the prayer call at 3:30am, and the last one at 10:40pm. For dinner we had kebabs, fire, Turkish pizza, salad and soup at a restaurant across the street. The kebabs came with a little tinfoil dish set on fire, but it burned out halfway through dinner. The waiter was really nice and taught us how to say thank you in turkish. It sounds like saying tea and sugar. We then walked back home, and got ready for bed. It was a lot of fun, and I am looking forward to tomorrow(except for the prayer call).


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One Comment
  1. Aunt Ginny permalink

    Anna – you are a really good blogger!

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